How Can I Help

PLEASE NOTE: registration to private sessions is currently closed! Please check back in September.

If there is something you dream about, you’re here to create it. And if your endless efforts don’t deliver you that desired outcome, it means that you’re doing something wrong and it is time to change the strategy and look at a deeper level. And for that, sometimes you need a mirror to recognize the patterns keeping you stuck and to exit this vicious circle. That’s where I come in to help you see what you haven’t noticed before and accompanied you to a new reality. I offer various different modalities that I studied over the years as well as a strong intuition to help you heal your relationships, claim back your health, reconnect with the power within you and start living your life purpose.

Available sessions


Letters From Akasha

1 Handwritten letter to your home - 222$

Letters from Akasha are intuitive letters written personally to You. You can choose from 2 options: intuitive message or 4 questions to the Lords of Akasha. The questions must be formulated with an open end and can touch any area of your life: relationships, abundance, health, spirituality and etc. The questions will be answered after opening your Akashic Records. Accessing Akashic Records is the only safe way to read the energy as the practitioner is protected by a Sacred Prayer which makes him/her a clear channel. You will receive a physical letter delivered to your home address (this is not an e-mail service). A great act of self love or a beautiful gift to someone you love.

Emotional Release Session

90 min call - 150$

In Western society, we are not taught how to manage our emotions. As a result of this inability to healthily respond to our emotions, we develop unhealthy coping mechanisms and defense mechanisms. We accumulate trauma that eventually turns into physical illnesses.

These sessions will provide a safe space for alternative emotional healing and help you let go of your painful past or heavy emotions & memories. It will allow you to experience a powerful release and learn how to manage your emotions daily so that you do not recreate this experience in the future. Whether you are going through a difficult time in life or you are interested in becoming the best version of yourself, this is for you.

Emotional Release

Regression Therapy

90 min call - 150$

These regression sessions are for those who are experiencing repeating patterns in their life that cannot seem to be resolved by any other tools. With this work we dive deep into your subconscious, explore karmic patterns & regress into past experiences or lifetimes to retrieve the information & harmonize your field.

These sessions may include Transpersonal Pychology, Vedic Counseling, Karmic Transformation, Shadow work, Polarity Balancing, Third Eye Activation, Shamanic Journeying.

Regression Therapy

Shamanic Healing

90 min call - 111$

The most profound healing happens at the level of spirit. Shamanic healing is the original healing that was used before modern medicine and now it is getting recognized once again. Through shamanic tools, we can dive deep into the root cause of the problem rather than staying on the surface and create quick and powerful transformations that affect all levels of our being. Whatever issue you might be experiencing in your life, shamanic healing can help you to bring your body, mind & spirit back to balance. We use shamanic journeying, negative energy extraction, and other tools during these sessions.

Shamanic Healing

Akashic Records Clearing

90-120 min SRT clearing with a written report - 250$

Sometimes we feel “stuck” and no matter how much we try, our Health, Relationships or Financial Situation doesn’t seem to improve. In those cases, we have to bypass our conscious mind to connect with the subconscious and superconscious to understand the root cause of our inability to move forward or suffering. This Clearing Session is based on SRT (Spiritual Response Therapy) and it works on a causal level beyond our conscious mind. With the help of High Self, I research the subconscious mind and soul (Akashic) records to identify and clear discordant energies, negative soul programming, limiting ideas and beliefs, negative past life energies, subconscious blocks that are stopping you from stepping into the best parallel reality.

Whether you are experiencing difficulties with relationships, money, life purpose, or health, this will allow you to move forward.

Records Clearing

Holistic Health Coaching

60 min call - 90$

If you want to achieve optimal health and feel fully alive in your body, this is for you. Whether you are struggling with destructive eating habits or even eating disorders such as orthorexia, anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating, you can end these vicious cycles with the right guidance.

This approach is holistic and it covers all the aspects of recovery: physical body, mind, emotions, and spirit. By taking this path you will not only become an intuitive eater but also re-connect deeply with your body, emotions, and spirituality. It’s far from anything that is offered by modern nutritionists and traditional treatment centers.

This approach has roots in Ayurveda, Transpersonal & Jungian Psychology, DBT (Dialectical behavior therapy), CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), ACT, Voice Dialogue, Intuitive Eating, Mindfulness, and much more. The minimum coaching time is 1 month. If you want to learn more about Eating Disorder Coaching, read HERE.

Health Coaching

if you are not sure which session meets your needs, please fill up this application form.

If You're Not Sure

Many people all around the world transform their lives. Here you can read and listen to some client love:)

❜❜ Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

So enough of playing small, it’s time to live your life and be truly happy.

For once.

See you on the other side!


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